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Prednisolone In Dogs | Side Effects & Dosage | Walkerville Vet.Dog Limping: Possible Causes and Treatments - Whole Dog Journal 



Everything to Know About Dog Pain Medication - Burt's Rx.Dog With Painful Limp - The Animal Doctor | UExpress


It gets into cats' fur, which they swallow in the process of grooming. Contaminants and additives in municipal tap water, fluoride in particular, given to cats to drink may also be contributory factors to this now-common endocrine disease in older cats. FOX: I was thinking about getting a collar for my newly adopted kitten, but then I remembered that my two previous cats lost their fur under the collar.

The vet said the collars have chemicals in them. Is this true? If so, why do they sell them, and are there any safe collars I can get? DEAR D. Don't let your kitten roam off your property, and train him or her to enjoy going for a walk in a tight, escape-free harness with a leash attached to a regular collar around the neck. As I know from personal experience, some cats can wriggle out of their harnesses when they are scared.

The loss of fur on cats' necks could have been due to an allergic reaction to the material used to manufacture the collar, or more likely was an inflammatory response to anti-flea pesticides in impregnated collars, which are idiotic to purchase and totally unsafe -- imagine what the cat is inhaling and absorbing through the skin!

I have been against flea collars for decades. She has had two urinary tract infections. When she developed the second one, our vet did a urinalysis and said she had crystals in her urine. Is this the treatment you would recommend? What causes this condition? Her infections both cleared up after a course of antibiotics. DEAR L. But once a bacterial infection becomes established, inflammatory reactions in the lining of the bladder and urethra cause pain and straining, often with the passing of blood.

Cellular debris becomes the nuclei for urinary crystal formation, most usually struvite crystals associated with abnormally alkaline urine, caused in large part by a high-cereal diet. So in an emergency, adding acidifying cooked organic tomato pulp was a popular remedy, but now d-mannose found in cranberries is another preventive suggestion. Try a dietary change, and encourage your dog to drink lots of water, even flavored with some home-prepared low-salt beef or chicken bullion.

Give your dog probiotics with low-grain or grain-free food, a selection of which is posted on my website DrFoxVet. I would finish whatever antibiotic treatment cycle your dog is on and then stop.

Phase out the costly manufactured prescription diet, and transition onto a raw or freeze-dried dog food if none on my website appeals to you. Seniors and those with liver or kidney dysfunction may require an even lower dose. They also produce mild sedation, which may be desirable if your dog is injured, needs to remain quiet and still, or is experiencing anxiety as a result of their pain. This is because the class carries an increased risk for certain side effects, including dependency, constipation, intestinal blockage, and respiratory depression.

They are commonly prescribed for bladder blockages, severe dental pain, and post-surgical pain control. Another option for pain medication for your furry pet is to use compounded pet medications.

These are even more beneficial if your dog suffers from multiple ailments or pain. Your pet is your family, and if they are in pain, you suffer as well. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.

What about that Tramadol you were prescribed for a broken ankle last year? Higher doses: Kill liver cells Interfere with hemoglobin production Cause toxins to build up in the blood Some dogs, particularly seniors and the chronically ill, may experience negative effects even at lower doses. All carry an extremely high risk for: Gastrointestinal bleeding Liver damage Kidney damage Organ failure Potential death They can also cause nausea and diarrhea, which can cause your dog to become dehydrated not to mention being pretty unpleasant in general.

Common Dog Pain Medication Prescriptions Prescription medications specifically designed for dogs are far safer for your canine friend. Prednisone and Other Steroids Generic name s : prednisone, prednisolone and dexamethasone Class: Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs steroids Dosing Recommendations: Depends on the drug in question. Opioid Pain Relievers Generic name s : tramadol, morphine, buprenorphine Class: Narcotics Dosing Recommendations: Again, here, the dose highly depends on the medication and what your vet is trying to treat.

They are commonly prescribed for bladder blockages, severe dental pain, and post-surgical pain control Compounded Dog Pain Medication Another option for pain medication for your furry pet is to use compounded pet medications.

Compounded medicine eliminates many risks associated with pain medication for pets. It can: Reformulate pills into liquids Create topical steroids for skin conditions Alter the dose of the medication to fit your dogs size Eliminate potential allergens in the medicine, and more Your pet is your family, and if they are in pain, you suffer as well. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. We use cookies on our website to enhance your experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits.

Unfortunately he passed away suddenly a month later. I am just concerned this medication was too strong for a 10kg pug and may have contributed to his death. What do you think? Hi Adrian. Prednisolone is not associated with sudden death however; the signs are more of what you read this article which are usually quite visible.

Hi Andrew, We used to be clients but have been living in Europe the past 6 years. This is because her coughing and not being able to breath was so unbearable for her and us. A week on, she has no coughing and no obvious signs of discomfort. Little energy but normal appetite. Prior to last week she was also on 5mg of Elanco Fortekor, 5mg Vetmedin and still is. Would you have any comments about her treatment.

We are dealing with French and Dutch vets for her care. But since then she is so calm we are wondering what to expect now? Hi Fiona. Prednisolone is an unconventional treatment and that is also a very high dose. As it can cause fluid retention, I would reduce it if the coughing stays under control. Hi Andrew, thank you for your reply. Oscar had squamous cell carcinoma and it was thought that prednisolone was useful for some types of cancer.

He just went off his food one week in late June, and passed away in my arms at the Vets as he as about to go in for fluids. Good day I have a cross border collie. She has awful itchy skin. Itches till she bleeds Vet has tried everything diets tabs etc Only thing that keeps her happy is 15 mg prednisone a day Will this be ok Ps she is ten years old Regards Ken.

Hi Ken. It will be much better if it was given on an every second day basis. Some of the tips in the article about using prednisone for dermatitis may help you achieve this. My 55 pound 2Y goldendoodle was diagnosed with EBP eosinophilic bronchoneumopathy? Should I be requesting to have a follow up after 3 weeks instead?

Hi Fanny. Hello Dr, My 6 year old German Shepherd who weights 40kg has had an infection on 2 of his paws for the last 2 months and has been limping a little. The vet prescribed amoxicillin mg and prednisolone 10mg twice a day for the first 30 days and tapered to once a day after 30 days. It appears to have become worse over the past week. There is some clear liquid discharge from both paws and the vet is asking me to continue the same medication for another week or two after looking at photos of his paws.

Please advise. Hi Mohan. Although we all do it to some extent, using systemic prednisolone in association with infection is not a great idea if you can avoid it. In this case, I would wonder whether amoxicillin vs cephalexin would be effective against most bacteria found in interdigital dermatitis.

I would also wonder about using topical antibacterials like chlorhexidine or betadine, and the use of topical creams such as those containing fucidic acid and betamethasone. These are just thoughts to consider. His blood tests have come back in the normal range and we are now on 40mg a day now for the past week but he has gone down hill with side effects.

Weak hind legs, bloat, panting excessively, and now he is having trouble getting up all together. I could barely get him to the vet today. But His blood tests have come back as normal. I want to get him off prednisone and would like to taper him to just the one 20mg a day for a week and then taper to half. Hi Jacqueline. It actually sounds like your dog has had a good response to a disease that is often fatal.

We usually tolerate excessive side-effects at the beginning for the sake of their survival, but the dose tapers and the side-effects disappear. Read more about IMHA here. Hi Andrew, my active13yo tall Jack Russell Do I need to keep it up daily or can it be every second day or 2. I would like him to be on the minimum if possible.

My 5 year dog is about 36kg about 80 lbs? Is 10mg a day safe? Hi Kevin. Hello and Merry Xmas! We have a 12 week old female kelpie x heeler with a very irritating itch. The vet has now put her on Prednisolone 5mg twice a day for 4 days then slowly reducing dosage from there. Forgot your password? Get help. Privacy Policy. Create an account. Password recovery.

Whole Dog Journal. Is Coconut Oil Good for Dogs? Homemade Frozen Dog Treats. How to Teach a Dog to Stay. Submissive Urination and Excitement Urination. Metamucil For Dogs. Should You Shave a Dog?

How Hot Is too Hot for Dogs? Brushes and Tools for Shedding Dogs. Driving Long-Distance with Your Dog.


- Prednisone Side Effects In Dogs | Thrive Pet Healthcare

  Our dog was prescribed prednisone and other painkillers to address the immediate pain and control inflammation. The limp lessened, but it. When your dog is limping it's time to consult with a veterinarian. They may have you rest your dog and monitor at home for hours.     ❾-50%}


Prednisone dog limping. Prednisolone Use In Dogs & Cats

    At this point he continues deteriorating, very weak, hair loss, and has scabs all over his body. It is most commonly employed for its anti inflammatory effect.

May be given as a single dose by injection or via oral pills taken multiple times per day. If taken for long periods of time, dose should be reduced slowly over several weeks or days. How They Work: Steroids mimic naturally-occurring hormones that trigger the immune system to produce inflammation, nerve sensitivity, and swelling. This can reduce symptoms and make your dog more comfortable temporarily. When To Use Them: This class of dog pain medication is especially useful for pain associated with auto-immune disorders e.

Generic name s : tramadol, morphine, buprenorphine. Dosing Recommendations: Again, here, the dose highly depends on the medication and what your vet is trying to treat. The general rule of thumb is to prescribe the lowest possible dose to achieve relief; this prevents over-sedation. Seniors and those with liver or kidney dysfunction may require an even lower dose. They also produce mild sedation, which may be desirable if your dog is injured, needs to remain quiet and still, or is experiencing anxiety as a result of their pain.

This is because the class carries an increased risk for certain side effects, including dependency, constipation, intestinal blockage, and respiratory depression. They are commonly prescribed for bladder blockages, severe dental pain, and post-surgical pain control. Another option for pain medication for your furry pet is to use compounded pet medications.

These are even more beneficial if your dog suffers from multiple ailments or pain. Your pet is your family, and if they are in pain, you suffer as well. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.

What about that Tramadol you were prescribed for a broken ankle last year? Higher doses: Kill liver cells Interfere with hemoglobin production Cause toxins to build up in the blood Some dogs, particularly seniors and the chronically ill, may experience negative effects even at lower doses.

All carry an extremely high risk for: Gastrointestinal bleeding Liver damage Kidney damage Organ failure Potential death They can also cause nausea and diarrhea, which can cause your dog to become dehydrated not to mention being pretty unpleasant in general.

Common Dog Pain Medication Prescriptions Prescription medications specifically designed for dogs are far safer for your canine friend. Prednisone and Other Steroids Generic name s : prednisone, prednisolone and dexamethasone Class: Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs steroids Dosing Recommendations: Depends on the drug in question. Opioid Pain Relievers Generic name s : tramadol, morphine, buprenorphine Class: Narcotics Dosing Recommendations: Again, here, the dose highly depends on the medication and what your vet is trying to treat.

They are commonly prescribed for bladder blockages, severe dental pain, and post-surgical pain control Compounded Dog Pain Medication Another option for pain medication for your furry pet is to use compounded pet medications. Compounded medicine eliminates many risks associated with pain medication for pets. It can: Reformulate pills into liquids Create topical steroids for skin conditions Alter the dose of the medication to fit your dogs size Eliminate potential allergens in the medicine, and more Your pet is your family, and if they are in pain, you suffer as well.

Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. We use cookies on our website to enhance your experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Manage consent. Close Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website.

These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Necessary Necessary. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously.

The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other.

The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Hello, my dog was recently put on a relatively short course of Temaril-P to help with sinus inflammation. She was taking two doses a day for five days, then tapered to once a day for four days, then every other day until the bottle was gone. All in all, about 2 weeks or so including the tapering off period.

These symptoms appeared to be less severe as she tapered off. However, the morning after her final dose, she started panting abnormally. It lasted longer than it usually did and continued for an entire day and a half, with some breaks. I took her to the emergency vet.

They said she seemed slightly dehydrated and gave her fluids. The panting stopped and only occurred again once or twice after that. I took her to her normal vet and they could not find anything wrong with her. She has been off of Temaril-P for over a week now and she is still licking her lips a lot and will do the occasional pant.

Is it normal for a dog to continue to lick her lips and pant after being off of Temaril-P for a week? Have I messed with my dogs hormone levels by doing such a short prednisone treatment?

Hi Christian. If the signs were caused by prednisolone, they should go away soon. Otherwise I would be looking for another explanation. Good luck. Do dogs on prednisolone need to be tapered off like prednisone?

My 50 lb dog received 20mg for ten days to treat inflammatory response to injections but dis not give tapering off instructions. Hi Sam. Prednisone is in fact converted to prednisolone in a single step during metabolism and therefore both drugs work the same in the body at the same dose.

There is generally no need to taper off prednisolone for courses of less than 10 to 14 days. Currently our JR xchi is on 2. He has a torn acl in the left leg which is stable and not painful. My question is can he undergo surgery to repair the left rear leg? He is 11 yo old. Hi Allan. I have successfully operated on dogs requiring cruciate surgery who are on immunosuppressive medications. The main problems will be the risk of infection and delayed healing.

Therefore, it comes down to how much of a problem the ruptured cruciate ligament is for your dog. If it is interfering with his quality of life, then personally I would do it but of course I do not have all of the information to make that decision. Hello doctor. Our 4-year-old have a poo has gme. The neurologist put her on 2. The vet reduced the amount to 2. My question is can we keep her on 2.

Thank you sincerely. Hi Charles. GME is extremely serious and often causes early death. Keep in close contact with your vets to find the right dose. What is the highest dose you may use? My Tasha has MMM masticatory muscle myiositis , autoimmune desease. She was great for 16 months without drugs, and then we had relapse, exactly the 2 years after first time. Tasha lost almost all muscle mass, she is so flabby and weak, her liver findings are not good, hunger is unbearable.

Do you have experience with MMM and what do you think of dosing so high? Is that professional practice in some cases? What to do to prevent her of that side effects? Thanks in advance,. Hi Marina. Hello, 12 yr old chow mix biopsies showed discoid lupus, crusts bilaterally over many areas of her body. Started 2O mg 2x a day yesterday 57 lbs. She has been very tired today, sleeping except to eat and drink, and short walk this morning.

From Prednisone? Cut back to 20 mg once a day? Hi Linda. Hello, My 13 year old golden retriever was placed on prednisone 10mg 2tabs twice a day for skin issues. He only weighs maybe 60lbs. He was on it for maybe a day and a half, so he received a total of 60mg. Today we woke up to brown colored vomit, which he did maybe 8 times. His two poops earlier in the day were brown but the last one according to my husband was black. He was completely normal before we started him on the prednisone.

We are taking him in to be seen but wanted to get input on the likely hood that the high dose of prednisone could have caused an ulcer or something. Thank you. Hi Tianna. Prednisolone at any dose in the same way as anti-inflammatories can cause ulcers in rare cases.

I have seen it a few times but your dog is unlucky. Whether or not it is the cause, it is worth not using again as a precaution. My cat normally takes one 5mg of Prednisolone every 48 hours. He was accidentally given 10mg tonight, once in the morning and once in the evening.

Hi Jaci. Single high doses of prednisolone are generally well tolerated. Although I cannot comment on your specific case, in general they are safe if not repeated. The vet gave him a steroid injection and two days later he was happy and walking around like his old self. Do you believe the dosage is too much? He is 57 lbs. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much! Hi Rachel. Hi, my dog was seen for excessive itching. At this point he continues deteriorating, very weak, hair loss, and has scabs all over his body.

Any thoughts would be very appreciated. Hi Scott. That does seem high, but I have used similar doses in the past when they were effective and free of side effects.

Hi My dog is 35lbs and were doing 30mgs daily for days to help shrink a giant mast cell tumor before surgery. Is it more effective or harmful to do the dose once a day or split into 2- 12 hour doses?

Hi Jordan. Hi Andrew. My gorgeous 12yr old spoodle has just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 4 days ago not sure if adenocarcinoma or insulinoma. She only had fine needle biopsy have been told 2 x tumors either side of pancreas. Have prescribed 30mg prednisolone indefinitely.

She also has a compresses kidney from one tumor is there anything i can give her to protect her gut she is very tummy sensitive and has developed ulcers previously after 3 days on meloxicam or any other advice at this time would be so welcomed and greatly appreciated.

Hi Jo. Hi Adrienna. Sometimes it gives very good results. It also sounds like the underlying problem could be very difficult to fix. Hi, my 13 year old pug was treated from skin cancer which was cut out. The vet put him on Prednisolone 20mg, one a day for 3 days, then half a tablet for 7 days. He was also on Amoxyclay mg, one a day for 7 days at the same time, half morning and half at night.

Unfortunately he passed away suddenly a month later. I am just concerned this medication was too strong for a 10kg pug and may have contributed to his death.

What do you think? Hi Adrian. Prednisolone is not associated with sudden death however; the signs are more of what you read this article which are usually quite visible. Hi Andrew, We used to be clients but have been living in Europe the past 6 years. This is because her coughing and not being able to breath was so unbearable for her and us.

A week on, she has no coughing and no obvious signs of discomfort. Little energy but normal appetite. Prior to last week she was also on 5mg of Elanco Fortekor, 5mg Vetmedin and still is. Would you have any comments about her treatment. We are dealing with French and Dutch vets for her care. But since then she is so calm we are wondering what to expect now?

Hi Fiona.

There are many types of dog pain medication, but knowing when to use them, and which ones are safe is imperative. This guide explores the different medications for dogs, and what you should know about them. When your dog is in pain, the inner caretaker in you wants to do everything you can to help her find relief as quickly as possible.

In fact, you might even consider giving your dog the same medications you take for a headache. The truth is that, while there are safe dog pain medications available, few of them are found at home in the medicine cabinet. But getting to know dog pain medication, how it works, and what you can safely give from home also helps. Is it safe to give her aspirin, Tylenol, Aleve, or Motrin from your medicine cabinet? Higher doses:. Some dogs, particularly seniors and the chronically ill, may experience negative effects even at lower doses.

Thus, dog owners should avoid Tylenol unless specifically recommended by your vet. All carry an extremely high risk for:. However, the risk for side effects is actually higher, mostly because prescriptions are so much stronger. While some of these are also prescribed for pets, the associated dose is much, much lower — and the risk for side effects such as respiratory depression is far higher.

It is possible to inadvertently overdose your pet if you miscalculate or give the wrong drug. As an NSAID, however, Aspirin still carries an increased risk for gastrointestinal bleeding, blood clotting issues, and stroke.

For this reason, it should only be used for temporary relief; there are far better options available. Prescription medications specifically designed for dogs are far safer for your canine friend. They are also generally more effective, too. But which is right for your dog? Generic Name s : carprofen, deracoxib, firocoxib, meloxicam.

Dosing Recommendations: Exact dosing depends on the drug. Metacam, the most common, is often prescribed with a higher initial starting dose and then reduced to a once-daily oral pill or liquid. Others may be given just once a day from day one.

This, in turn, lowers the level of prostaglandins, which signal the body to respond to injury or illness with fever, swelling, inflammation, and pain. However, they are also really effective for post-spay or neuter pain, broken limbs, bee stings, and other forms of pain, too.

They should never be prescribed alongside steroid drugs due to an increased risk for side effects. Generic name s : prednisone, prednisolone and dexamethasone. Class: Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs steroids. Dosing Recommendations: Depends on the drug in question.

Generally, veterinarians prescribe the lowest possible dose for the shortest possible period of time due to risks associated with long-term use. May be given as a single dose by injection or via oral pills taken multiple times per day.

If taken for long periods of time, dose should be reduced slowly over several weeks or days. How They Work: Steroids mimic naturally-occurring hormones that trigger the immune system to produce inflammation, nerve sensitivity, and swelling.

This can reduce symptoms and make your dog more comfortable temporarily. When To Use Them: This class of dog pain medication is especially useful for pain associated with auto-immune disorders e. Generic name s : tramadol, morphine, buprenorphine. Dosing Recommendations: Again, here, the dose highly depends on the medication and what your vet is trying to treat. The general rule of thumb is to prescribe the lowest possible dose to achieve relief; this prevents over-sedation.

Seniors and those with liver or kidney dysfunction may require an even lower dose. They also produce mild sedation, which may be desirable if your dog is injured, needs to remain quiet and still, or is experiencing anxiety as a result of their pain. This is because the class carries an increased risk for certain side effects, including dependency, constipation, intestinal blockage, and respiratory depression.

They are commonly prescribed for bladder blockages, severe dental pain, and post-surgical pain control. Another option for pain medication for your furry pet is to use compounded pet medications.

These are even more beneficial if your dog suffers from multiple ailments or pain. Your pet is your family, and if they are in pain, you suffer as well. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. What about that Tramadol you were prescribed for a broken ankle last year? Higher doses: Kill liver cells Interfere with hemoglobin production Cause toxins to build up in the blood Some dogs, particularly seniors and the chronically ill, may experience negative effects even at lower doses.

All carry an extremely high risk for: Gastrointestinal bleeding Liver damage Kidney damage Organ failure Potential death They can also cause nausea and diarrhea, which can cause your dog to become dehydrated not to mention being pretty unpleasant in general.

Common Dog Pain Medication Prescriptions Prescription medications specifically designed for dogs are far safer for your canine friend. Prednisone and Other Steroids Generic name s : prednisone, prednisolone and dexamethasone Class: Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs steroids Dosing Recommendations: Depends on the drug in question.

Opioid Pain Relievers Generic name s : tramadol, morphine, buprenorphine Class: Narcotics Dosing Recommendations: Again, here, the dose highly depends on the medication and what your vet is trying to treat. They are commonly prescribed for bladder blockages, severe dental pain, and post-surgical pain control Compounded Dog Pain Medication Another option for pain medication for your furry pet is to use compounded pet medications.

Compounded medicine eliminates many risks associated with pain medication for pets. It can: Reformulate pills into liquids Create topical steroids for skin conditions Alter the dose of the medication to fit your dogs size Eliminate potential allergens in the medicine, and more Your pet is your family, and if they are in pain, you suffer as well. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. We use cookies on our website to enhance your experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits.

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Our dog was prescribed prednisone and other painkillers to address the immediate pain and control inflammation. The limp lessened, but it. When your dog is limping it's time to consult with a veterinarian. They may have you rest your dog and monitor at home for hours. Our dog was prescribed prednisone and other painkillers to address the immediate pain and control inflammation. The limp lessened, but it. It's late and your senior dog is limping and whimpering in pain. Generic name(s): prednisone, prednisolone and dexamethasone. The side effects of prednisone can be unbearable for some dogs, but I am glad it has reduced the pain and limping. What did you find out from. It also sounds like the underlying problem could be very difficult to fix. As I know from personal experience, some cats can wriggle out of their harnesses when they are scared. She only had fine needle biopsy have been told 2 x tumors either side of pancreas. However, reducing the dose is sensible. This is because her coughing and not being able to breath was so unbearable for her and us.

FOX: We recently adopted a rescued female beagle who is about 8 or 9 years old. Shortly after we adopted her, she started to develop a slight limp in her front right leg for no apparent reason. It was very minor for a couple of weeks, but we monitored it and scheduled an appointment with our veterinarian.

Before we could get her to the appointment, she awoke one night in an obvious state of extreme pain. Because we have other beagles who have neck and back problems, we suspected a disc problem might be the cause. We took her to our vet, who prescribed tramadol and Rimadyl, but when that didn't help control the pain, we took her to a neurologist.

She performed an MRI, and we all expected to see a disc herniation; instead, the MRI showed inflammation of a nerve root there was some very minor disc degeneration in another area, but she felt that would not cause the problem.

Our dog was prescribed prednisone and other painkillers to address the immediate pain and control inflammation. The limp lessened, but it was still apparent. Otherwise, she showed no signs of pain or discomfort, so we reduced the painkillers to only gabapentin, and we have maintained the dosage of prednisone twice a day.

When we tried to reduce the prednisone to once a day, the limp became more evident, so we increased the dose again to twice daily. The neurologist also prescribed cyclosporine to see if it would help and maybe replace the prednisone eventually. Our dog seems to be tolerating that drug, and we will have her rechecked again this week.

Have you seen this type of condition in other dogs? Do you have any insights for us to explore that we and our excellent vet may not have considered? For example, have you seen other treatments such as acupuncture help with what appears to be some sort of pain syndrome? The limp is confounding because it came on so gradually that it almost seems to me like it may be a separate issue altogether, but I'd appreciate your thoughts.

DEAR R. She may have a condition similar to chronic regional pain syndrome in humans, which can follow trauma. In addition to the medications prescribed, I would add a daily dose of anti-inflammatory fish oil or half a can of sardines in water, plus a tablespoon of brewer's yeast mixed in with her food.

Add these supplements gradually, first in small amounts so she gets used to them. A skilled veterinary acupuncture therapist may be able to provide some relief. You can also try electrical stimulation using the Alpha-Stim system, which effectively alleviates various painful syndromes in humans; some veterinarians have found it to be effective in various cases of chronic pain and lameness in animals.

Lameness throws the whole body off-kilter so whole-body massage, as in my book "The Healing Touch for Dogs," could be beneficial. FOX: Many months ago, you wrote an excellent article directed to people who leave their dogs locked up all day while they're at work.

You mentioned how this could cause cancer of the bladder, and you stated that dogs should be taken out every two hours. I know a few dogs who got this terrible treatment, and I want to send the owners copies of your articles.

Where can I find the column? DEAR J. However, I do not recall ever stating that keeping dogs locked up all day can cause them to develop bladder cancer. Pups and old dogs with kidney problems and other health issues that make them drink more water need to be taken out to urinate every three or four hours. Mature dogs should be walked and given a chance to urinate before being left in the home, and they should have time outdoors after four to five hours of confinement.

Six to eight hours alone during the weekday is pushing it. Stress, extreme discomfort from retaining urine and possible bladder inflammation and infection are to be avoided. Some dogs can be trained to use a pee pad -- small dogs in high-rise apartments most notably.

But spending long hours all alone is no life for any dog, and a dog-walker should be hired. Send all mail to animaldocfox gmail. The volume of mail received prohibits personal replies, but questions and comments of general interest will be discussed in future columns.

FOX: I recently read your article in which you said that after radiation for hyperthyroidism in cats, the cat would need continuing medication. In , my year-old cat developed hyperthyroidism. We opted to do that at Radiocat in Baltimore. She spent four days there. She has been fine for five years, and has never taken medication for that problem again.

I feel that you misled the person who wrote to you. Her cat could have many more years of good health with no need for additional medication. I understand that Radiocat is available in many parts of the country. DEAR C. It is actually very rare for cats to need supplemental thyroid hormone medication after the mutated cells in the thyroid gland are selectively destroyed by RI.

That is not the case when put on anti-thyroid drug medication such as methimazole, which is also not without some potentially harmful side effects. Periodic monitoring of blood thyroid hormone levels following RI treatment is advisable. This treatment is costly, and in all diagnosed cases of hyperthyroidism-associated heart disease, hypertension and age-related kidney disease must also be considered.

Mixed-breed cats seem more susceptible to the disease; there is a lower incidence in Burmese, Siamese and Persian purebred cats. The risk of this disease increases with age, thus reflecting possible accumulating environmental factors and chronic exposure to goitrogens thyroid-inhibiting foods. Suspected factors that may disrupt thyroid activity and cause cellular damage and genetic mutation include soy products in many cat foods; erythrosine red dye No.

PBDEs are found in household dust. It gets into cats' fur, which they swallow in the process of grooming. Contaminants and additives in municipal tap water, fluoride in particular, given to cats to drink may also be contributory factors to this now-common endocrine disease in older cats.

FOX: I was thinking about getting a collar for my newly adopted kitten, but then I remembered that my two previous cats lost their fur under the collar. The vet said the collars have chemicals in them. Is this true? If so, why do they sell them, and are there any safe collars I can get? DEAR D. Don't let your kitten roam off your property, and train him or her to enjoy going for a walk in a tight, escape-free harness with a leash attached to a regular collar around the neck.

As I know from personal experience, some cats can wriggle out of their harnesses when they are scared. The loss of fur on cats' necks could have been due to an allergic reaction to the material used to manufacture the collar, or more likely was an inflammatory response to anti-flea pesticides in impregnated collars, which are idiotic to purchase and totally unsafe -- imagine what the cat is inhaling and absorbing through the skin!

I have been against flea collars for decades. She has had two urinary tract infections. When she developed the second one, our vet did a urinalysis and said she had crystals in her urine. Is this the treatment you would recommend? What causes this condition? Her infections both cleared up after a course of antibiotics. DEAR L. But once a bacterial infection becomes established, inflammatory reactions in the lining of the bladder and urethra cause pain and straining, often with the passing of blood.

Cellular debris becomes the nuclei for urinary crystal formation, most usually struvite crystals associated with abnormally alkaline urine, caused in large part by a high-cereal diet. So in an emergency, adding acidifying cooked organic tomato pulp was a popular remedy, but now d-mannose found in cranberries is another preventive suggestion. Try a dietary change, and encourage your dog to drink lots of water, even flavored with some home-prepared low-salt beef or chicken bullion.

Give your dog probiotics with low-grain or grain-free food, a selection of which is posted on my website DrFoxVet. I would finish whatever antibiotic treatment cycle your dog is on and then stop.

Phase out the costly manufactured prescription diet, and transition onto a raw or freeze-dried dog food if none on my website appeals to you. FOX: Our Dice a year-old male kitty just left us, and we're heartbroken.

He was diagnosed with kidney failure. I can't help thinking it may have been what we fed him for so many years. In the last three years, we switched to Blue Buffalo wet and crunchy food, but he favored his Fancy Feast crunchies and Gravy Lovers wet food.

Dice left behind our Bella, a 2-year-old female, who does not drink water but will eat Fancy Feast Gravy Lover's canned food. Are we doing her more harm than good? Can you suggest any other food? There are so many on your website it makes me crazy! We do not want her to go through what our beloved Dice went through So many things can trigger autoimmune diseases, including kidney disease: the nutrition of the pregnant mother, what animals are fed, what contaminants in the environment animals are exposed to especially in water and foods and any infections and vaccinations they may have.

We have disrupted and poisoned the planet and have a lot of housekeeping and cleanup to see to. Carnivores like cats living high up on the contaminated food chain are especially at risk. Organically certified whole food ingredients, raw food and freeze-dried are the wave of the future for cats. I get crazier than you checking all the ingredients and sources of origin of various pet foods, and the best that I have found are posted on my website and by Susan Thixton on her website, truthaboutpetfood.

Also check with feline-nutrition. Visit Dr. Fox's website at DrFoxVet. Read More. Load More Articles. Next up: More trusted advice from

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