Does accutane cause premature ejaculation. Isotretinoin (Roaccutane): rare reports of erectile dysfunction and decreased libido

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- Sexual complications in people treated with Accutane | RxISK 


Does accutane cause premature ejaculation.Accutane: 30 Years of Trading our Sex Lives for Clear Skin


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- Acne Drug Isotretinoin Linked to Impotence & Other Sexual Problems - Acne Einstein

    There is a set of effects that endure after treatment stops that at present are most closely linked to serotonin reuptake inhibiting drugs, 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors, and isotretinoin. I felt like I was 90 years old, I can remember saying that. I am miserable that i cannot just be normal and I regret taking accutane. I am 32 yrs old n was also on Accutane at a young age.

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There are an ever-increasing and disturbing number of young people claiming their sex lives have been permanently ruined from taking the acne drug, isotretinoincommonly referred to by its former brand-name, Accutane. Often these affected young men and women, many in their teens and early 20s, cannot overcome their embarrassment to report sexual side effects while taking the drug.

Or they continue to expect those side effects to abate after cessation of the drug. Sometimes, they discontinue isotretinoin early because of sexual problems only to find that the problems get worse and persist indefinitely after taking the last pill. Sexual dysfunction has been my lot in life since taking Accutane over 14 years ago, and as noted, I am far from alone. After going on treatment many people get mild-to-debilitating anhedonia, anxiety and fatigue.

The sexual symptoms may initially be relatively mild. The problem can then significantly and rapidly worsen when isotretinoin is stopped.

Others have noted that it gets gradually worse on treatment and then continues to worsen when treatment is stopped. Our symptoms are typically treatment resistant. While some have noted a remission of symptoms over time, most have been left fruitlessly attempting symptom management for years. The sexual symptoms which occur as a result of isotretinoin in men include erectile dysfunction, impotence, partial or complete loss of libido, genital anesthesia, anorgasmia, decreased and watery ejaculate, shrinkage in the flaccid state and lack of blood flow to the glans when erect.

Women have reported vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, loss of libido, genital anesthesia, and anorgasmia as a result of isotretinoin treatment, any of which may accompany altered menses, loss of menstruation and infertility. Visits to the doctor can become a battle of wills when a generally healthy looking young person walks through the door complaining of erectile dysfunction or other sexual symptoms.

Many of us face difficulty when we try to implicate a drug we are no longer taking as the cause of our continued sexual dysfunction. In the event that a conventional test for hypogonadism is conducted, results typically fall within the normal reference range. Male sufferers of our condition will often be told by endocrinologists that their testosterone is a little low for their age but is not low enough to warrant treatment. Even for those who have discovered hormonal imbalances after seeking medical attention, hormone replacement therapy HRT has done little to provide adequate symptom relief, even under the care of doctors whose specialty is HRT.

A study published in the November-December Spanish Urological Journal suggests that sexual adverse reactions are far more prevalent than what one would assume by viewing FDA statistics or browsing anecdotal reports on internet forums 1. Unless the methodology in the study was extremely flawed, this is clear evidence of a correlation between isotretinoin and both erectile dysfunction and depression.

Has this study been ignored by those whose job it is to protect or at least inform the public of such a deleterious effect of this prescription drug? The majority of affected men state a complete loss or significant decrease in morning and nocturnal erections. In a case report concerning a similar drug, acitretin, a 39 year old patient with no depressive symptoms reported experiencing erectile dysfunction while undergoing treatment. The patient recovered after stopping treatment and refused a rechallenge 2.

The authors cited several cases where erectile dysfunction occurred independently of depression during retinoid therapy and suggested that erectile dysfunction may be a side effect of the entire retinoid class of drugs, to which isotretinoin belongs. Importantly, the authors also commented on the general unwillingness of patients to report erectile dysfunction.

This year, a case of a 20 year old developing gynecomastia related to isotretinoin treatment was reported 3. The authors noted three similar case reports and suggested this could be due to a decrease in the effects of testosterone caused by the drug. Studies demonstrate that isotretinoin significantly disrupts normal endocrine function. IGF-1, pituitary hormones, 5-alpha and 3-alpha reduced steroids, and androgen receptor levels have been observed to be significantly decreased in patients as a result of isotretinoin treatment.

Hormonal antagonism elicited by isotretinoin is considered to be one of the ways it helps in acne. Hormonal antagonism is also believed by many in our patient group to be a likely explanation of the sexual side effects they experienced as a result of taking this drug.

A medical hypothesis published in proposed that long-term side effects associated with isotretinoin, including erectile dysfunction, may be the end result of persistent modifications to mechanisms which control gene expression 4. If true, this would indeed explain the enduring nature of sexual symptoms which emerged during isotretinoin treatment.

Could the perceived shame and dread about future prospects for relationships and families brought about by sexual side effects be one of the determining factors in the reported cases of Accutane suicides? I used to have to try and stop myself from thinking about girls all of the time; now, I could hardly care less.

It is common knowledge that isotretinoin is prescribed for off-label use by dermatologists to treat mild to moderate acne, a use for which it is explicitly not intended for. Isotretinoin is a curse disguised as a blessing to the minority of us who suffer severely after ingesting the drug. For those of us with sexual dysfunction, our scars are much deeper than our acne would have ever caused. To date, no direct link between isotretinoin and these side effects has been proven, but anecdotal evidence and existing studies point to a need for confirmation of what too many of us have experienced.

Very appropriate article. If you like sex even a little bit, know that that enjoyment could all be taken from you if you take Accutane. Sexual dysfunction is pure hell. This warning absolutely needs to be added to the paragraph of side effects on the label. People need to know that this is a possibility. Beforehand, I can say that I have that extreme libido, I am thinking of myself as a maniac but recently I am noticing myself as a blunt person.

I am experiencing erection but its not lasting. I have the desire but my body is not responding. I wanna masturbate but my thing is just that flaccid. Is the problem gone after a while? Had loss of libido as well. Please note that I also posted blood test results, and I will do a spermogram to evaluate my condition. Also recommend visiting the endocrinologist to do all these blood tests… dermatologists are useless in this regard.

And the urologist to do more exams. You must state for the attention of the Isotretinoin EWG and ask that you be listed as a stakeholder and that you be kept updated. Please outline all your concerns. They are mostly considering sexual dysfunction, infertility and psychiatric issues including spontaneous suicides and post the drug suicides.

Contact email is Leigh. Henderson mhra. Hi, Perene here. Spermogram was normal, MRI to look for pituitary tumors, too. I am looking for natural ways to increase my T and libido. Will return sooner.

I have sexual dysfunction since 7 yrs when I took accutane for 6 months. I cannot find any treatment and cannot marry. I became like a robot without any feeling after I was very horny. I am Traci. I am 32 yrs old n was also on Accutane at a young age. My question is have u had children? Try meditating up to 1 hr every day or more if you can. Also gentle cardio exercise and hot baths daily to help your body relax. I had a reaction to saw palmetto, a 5ar inhibitor in supplement form and had all the same issues as guys who took accutane and propecia and some ssri anti depressants.

Men and women will benefit from regular meditation in dealing with this condition. You will only know what it will do for you if you try it. Try it daily for a few monthsif it works for you keep doing it. Good Luck. I was never told that accutane reduces growth hormone and testosterone levels before taking it, 2 things I really needed at the age of Derms need to stop sugar coating this poison and tell patients how dangerous accutane really is.

My son was never warned of this either. It is not even a listed side effect. It ruined my life the same way. Became impotent at age 16, 20 years old now. I have felt DEAD for 4 years now.

No energy in my body, aching joints, a penis that no longer works, a brain that feels severely damaged. Go look up accutane. You learn later that this poison they give innocent children that just want their acne to go away is actually chemotherapy designed for brain cancer. I have hope though. I am on my journey to ingest cannabis oil because i have learned how extremely medicinal it is and believe it may just be the cure for all these horrible side effects.

If anyone want to talk about problem, erectile dysfunction, problems after taking accutane can do that on mail: axehector hotmail. Everything anonymously of course Regards. Hello Ivica I took accutaine when I was a teenager and my acne was very bad. I am now 81 years old. I got married at 40 and devorsed at I had a sexless marriage ED has bothered me most of my life. If you have any words of wisdom I would appreciate them. Regards, Frank.

Accutane has ruined my life. Accutane killed my penis is the best way I can describe how I feel sexually. Aside from impotence, I have very very low libido.

While reports of certain issues were unique to the antidepressants, such as the onset of premature ejaculation and persistent genital. Isotretinoin (Roaccutane): rare reports of erectile dysfunction and decreased libido. Cases of sexual dysfunction, predominantly involving. It causes reduced blood flow to the genital leading to erection problems and in some people it is reported that the head of their penis is not sensitive. this. Research suggests a possible link between this popular acne medication and decreased sex drive for men and women. Accutane can cause sexual dysfunction. This will often clear on stopping. But probably better to stop sooner rather than later. The key issue is. I never knew him personally, but Mr.

Either your web browser doesn't support Javascript or it is currently turned off. In the latter case, please turn on Javascript support in your web browser and reload this page. A set of enduring conditions have been reported in the literature involving persistent sexual dysfunction after discontinuation of serotonin reuptake inhibiting antidepressants, 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors and isotretinoin.

The original draft was designed using data from two published case series Hogan et al. It was further developed with the involvement of a multidisciplinary panel of experts. A set of criteria were agreed upon for each of the above conditions. Ancillary non-sexual symptoms vary depending on the specific condition but can include emotional blunting and cognitive impairment.

PGAD presents with an almost mirror image of unwanted sensations of genital arousal or irritability in the absence of sexual desire. A new term, post-SSRI asexuality, is introduced to describe a dampening of sexual interest and pleasure resulting from a pre-natal or pre-teen exposure to a serotonin reuptake inhibitor.

These criteria will help in both clinical and research settings. As with all criteria, they will likely need modification in the light of developments. There is a growing awareness that a substantial number of medicines have effects, some positive and some negative, on sexual functioning. These include antibiotics, anti-hypertensives, antidepressants, lipid lowering agents, medicines affecting endocrine systems and others [ 1 ]. There is a set of effects that endure after treatment stops that at present are most closely linked to serotonin reuptake inhibiting drugs, 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors, and isotretinoin.

Cases of persistent sexual dysfunction following isotretinoin were reported in this journal in [ 6 ], with the condition designated as a post-retinoid sexual dysfunction PRSD in [ 1 ]. For each of these conditions, it is now clear that cases had been reported or were present for a decade or more before appearing in the academic literature.

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency MHRA have indicated that their first reports of a sexual dysfunction that continued after an SSRI was withdrawn involved fluvoxamine in and fluoxetine in [ 7 ].

The incidence of these conditions is unknown. Clinical trials do not routinely include follow-up to assess the resolution of adverse sexual effects, and it would be unethical to carry out a randomized controlled trial which specifically intended to produce an enduring sexual dysfunction in participants in order to establish prevalence. Several healthy volunteer trials involving SSRIs that included follow-up have hinted at incidence rates of enduring changes in sexual functioning following discontinuation [ 8 ].

Three large studies into the use of SSRIs for premature ejaculation reported that the ejaculation-delaying effects of the medication persisted for a significant number of participants at 3- and 6-month follow-up after withdrawal of the drug [ 10 — 12 ].

In addition, these conditions are little known and poorly understood by healthcare professionals. Neglecting these disorders risks further harm to patients in terms of dismissive responses from clinicians, unnecessary investigations, and misdiagnosis as a psychogenic problem which may result in further use of the causative drug.

A qualitative study into the experiences of PSSD patients when engaging with healthcare professionals highlighted the difficulties that patients can face when trying to seek help [ 14 ].

In the absence of a biomarker, diagnostic criteria may improve both research and clinical practice. The criteria below offer a template for researchers, clinicians, patients, regulators and pharmaceutical companies to support communication. They will hopefully increase the precision of phenotyping leading to a more accurate quantification of the burden of these problems and will provide an operational framework to facilitate multicentric collaborative research.

The and case series from Hogan et al. Common features were identified and used to formulate a preliminary set of criteria. The data for those papers were sourced from RxISK. RxISK currently has around reports of these conditions.

A multidisciplinary panel of experts was enlisted to further develop the article. Many of the group members are authors of peer reviewed literature on these conditions. Several have successfully petitioned regulators in North America and Europe on the issue of PSSD, resulting in warnings about persistent sexual dysfunction after discontinuation of treatment being added to medication labels [ 15 ]. The original draft was circulated to the group who made amendments based on published data, clinical and research experience, and assessment of criteria suitability across international clinical settings.

Successive drafts were modified in response to comments and reissued until agreement was reached. Significant sexual dysfunction can happen while on treatment and after stopping any serotonin reuptake inhibiting SRI drug [ 1 , 3 , 4 , 6 , 14 — 20 ]. It is independent of any pre-existing or reactive mental health problem and can be triggered in healthy volunteers after exposures of a few weeks.

Close to all people taking an SRI have some alteration of genital sensitivity within an hour of starting treatment. This may be noticeable or obscured by an apparent benefit such as improvement in premature ejaculation in men. In PSSD there is a marked escalation of genital sensory effects [ 22 , 23 ]. Some describe reduced somatic tactile sensation — genitals feel like they were exposed to an anesthetic.

Others describe reduced erogenous sexual sensation — genital touch feels like being touched on any other body part. The condition may be triggered by exposures as brief as several days [ 1 ]. Changes in genital sensation may be hidden beneath symptoms of loss of sexual desire or arousal.

It is important to enquire about changes in tactile and erogenous genital sensation, as well as changes in orgasm sensation, as these sensory changes seem distinctive to PSSD. Making the diagnosis of PSSD rather than another form of enduring sexual dysfunction depends on the presence of these symptoms. PSSD resembles tardive dyskinesia which is linked to withdrawal of antipsychotics but can be present prior to withdrawal.

Where an individual cannot stop their SRI, a provisional diagnosis might be warranted. The sexual dysfunction that accompanies normal antidepressant use may linger for some days or weeks following discontinuation of treatment. The present consensus is that once dysfunction lasts for three months, it is more likely to be PSSD. In the case of standard withdrawal syndromes, there is no indication that patients could rub a hard bristled brush up and down their genitals and not feel it, as has been described for PSSD, although not all PSSD patients are as badly affected as this.

PSSD can vary in severity. Sexual side effects while taking an antidepressant can sometimes improve significantly upon stopping the drug but still leave residual symptoms. For example, a patient may regain the ability to achieve orgasm upon stopping the antidepressant after being completely unable to do so while on treatment, but the orgasm no longer feels the same as pre-drug. Emotional and genital numbing commonly go together. But emotional numbing also happens on antipsychotics without sexual dysfunction of this sort, and marked depersonalization can happen on drugs that do not cause sexual dysfunction.

In a study, two subjects reported penile curvature as part of PSSD [ 1 ]. Results of a ten-year retrospective review of clinical PSSD cases, published in , provided further evidence that PSSD may result in damage to the erectile tissue of the penis [ 24 ]. This seems to overlap with findings from a major PFS study [ 25 ]. The discovery of erectile tissue abnormalities on an ultrasound scan might therefore support rather than preclude a diagnosis of PSSD. Whether these changes are part of the syndrome or co-incidental is uncertain.

There are reports of some patients experiencing a brief improvement in their PSSD linked to stopping another drug where their condition lifts for a few days only to return afterwards. However, this has failed to lead to any treatment options. SRIs can cause these conditions with or without sexual dysfunction. They risk further investigations and potentially unhelpful, even damaging, treatment if a link to prior SRI or related treatment where present is not recognised.

PGAD can occur after trauma to the genital or pelvic area, may accompany Tarlov cysts, interstitial cystitis, or other pelvic conditions, seems more common perimenopausally and postmenopausally, and has been linked to a number of medicines that do not have effects on the serotonin system [ 26 ]. However, one of its commoner triggers is stopping serotonin reuptake inhibiting SRI drugs [ 1 , 27 — 30 ].

PGAD is commonly seen in pain clinics. Women may have a history of desperate remedies tried, and many will be members of online support forums. The treatment history is likely to include gabapentinoids, SSRIs for their genital anesthetic effect, opioids, botox, and more drastic interventions up to clitoridectomy and pudendal nerve ablation. It is not clear if men are affected, but cases of premature or spontaneous ejaculation after discontinuation of an SRI have been reported [ 1 , 31 ].

Clearly, sexual abuse is common and some people with PGAD may have a background of sexual trauma, but at present the two states do not appear linked. Finasteride, dutasteride and saw palmetto are 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors that can trigger an enduring sexual dysfunction with a very similar profile to PSSD [ 32 ]. As the name suggests, PFS is most commonly associated with finasteride which was licensed for the treatment of male pattern baldness in In , a warning for erectile dysfunction that persisted after stopping treatment was added to the US product label for the finasteride products, Propecia and Proscar.

This was updated in to include libido disorders, ejaculation disorders and orgasm disorders that continued after discontinuation of Propecia, and decreased libido that continued after discontinuation of Proscar [ 33 ]. Sexual dysfunction that happens on finasteride but clears after treatment stops is not PFS. A number of related features may stem from finasteride without being diagnostic for PFS:.

Additional finasteride effects that can occur independently of any sexual difficulties but may also accompany sexual problems include:. There is some evidence for penile curvature or other penile effects in men with PFS [ 25 ], but it is not clear if this was present prior to treatment or has resulted since. Alterations in neuroactive steroid levels [ 34 ], methylation of 5 alpha-reductase type 2 in cerebrospinal fluid [ 35 ], and gut microbiota population [ 36 ] have also been found in PFS patients.

But again, it is not clear whether these were present before treatment. Isotretinoin is a retinoid medication used in the treatment of acne and has been linked to sexual dysfunction in the literature [ 37 , 38 ]. In , Health Canada and the European Medicines Agency recommended that a warning for erectile dysfunction should be added to the product information for isotretinoin products, with decreased libido additionally recommended for inclusion in European labels [ 39 , 40 ].

The Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb reported seven cases of sexual dysfunction linked to isotretinoin, three of which had not resolved after stopping [ 41 ].

Isotretinoin has both serotonin reuptake inhibiting and 5 alpha-reductase inhibiting properties, but it is not clear whether the problem stems from either of these actions. There may be some sexual dysfunction on treatment, but it is not clear what proportion of these problems persist after treatment stops. A number of related features may stem from isotretinoin without being diagnostic for PRSD eg.

Additional isotretinoin effects that can occur independently of any sexual difficulties but may also accompany sexual problems include:. The term Post-Accutane Syndrome PAS is in widespread use and often refers to what is termed PRSD here but equally often appears to include suicidality and other cognitive effects without sexual difficulties. Animal studies have found that exposure to an SSRI during pregnancy or at an early age produces sexual deficits in adulthood [ 42 ].

A recent study in humans found evidence that there may be similar implications for people exposed to an SSRI in childhood [ 43 ]. Given that these problems develop prior to sexual maturity, the person may have no pre-drug baseline for comparison, making it difficult to recognise symptoms such as low sexual desire, reduced genital sensation and pleasureless orgasm.

We propose the introduction of a new term, Post-SSRI asexuality, to describe a dampening of sexual interest and pleasure resulting from a pre-natal or pre-teen exposure to a serotonin reuptake inhibitor. At present there are no data on the proportion of people who define themselves as asexual and have a condition that may be linked to medications.

There are reports of a persistent sexual dysfunction that resembles PSSD after other psychotropic drugs that are not SRIs including mirtazapine and aripiprazole.

There is insufficient data to know whether these states form a related or different syndrome. There are online reports but no peer reviewed literature about this.
