- Accutane and vitamin b5

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Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) for acne treatment | MDacne. 


Accutane and vitamin b5 -


Clinical researchers have found that specific vitamins and minerals can help anti-acne skincare routines when taken in the proper doses. For example, it is believed that taking Pantothenic Acid B5 can be helpful with acne treatment.

Pantothenic acid B5 is one of the B-complex vitamins. The main role of pantothenic acid B5 in the body is to convert lipids, protein, and carbohydrates into energy, which helps maintain healthy hair, healthy skin, and healthy eyes. It was also shown to increase skin oil breakdown, which reduces overall oil and sebum production and reduces stress levels.

Through coenzyme A CoA metabolism, pantothenic acid reduces the synthesis and secretion of oil and promotes sebum breakdown in the skin's oil glands. Pantothenic acid B5 was also shown to improve epidermal barrier function, which in turn helps to reduce acne breakouts. Pantothenic acid is believed to support stress reduction, which may indirectly aid acne. A second, larger randomized controlled study has validated the results. Vitamin B-5 supplements are water-soluble.

As with other water-soluble vitamins, the urinary tract system would flush any excess of pantothenic acid. The NIH confirms that pantothenic acid is not known to interfere or interfere with any medicines.

Accutane derived from Vitamin A is definitely the most effective oral medication used for acne. Having said that, Accutane is a very potent drug with quite a few side effects. Therefore, it requires a Dermatologist prescription and should be used only in severe acne vulgaris or severe cystic acne that did not respond to topical treatment or acne supplements. There are currently no formal recommendations about what dosage of vitamin B5 you should take to treat acne. A few studies that looked into acne treatment with pantothenic acid suggested a mega-dose of Vitamin B5 of grams a day.

Others believe that a starting dose of mg per day would be more appropriate. If needed, this dose can be increased to mg per day 2 capsules.

Many complain about the bulkiness and after-taste of the regular pantothenic acid tablets. Vegetable capsules are a much more convenient way to take pantothenic acid supplements. These capsules allow taking the full needed dose in one capsule a day.

In addition, these capsules are much easier to swallow than regular tablets and don't leave an aftertaste. If the capsules are too big for you, they can also be opened and sprinkled on food.

The efficacy of vitamin B5 is closely related to the amount used. MDacne's skin clearing vitamins contain a high amount of the active form of pantothenic acid d-calcium pantothenate. For best results, pantothenic acid should be combined with a small amount of Vitamin B1. Adding B1 improves the absorption of B5 in our gastrointestinal system. Adding other vitamins such as vitamin A, B1, B2, and B3 and the minerals zinc, selenium, and chromium are believed to enhance the effect of B5 on the skin and help reduce acne breakouts and help maintain clear and healthy skin.

Beware that acne supplements should contain only a small amount of biotin. Large amounts of biotin that are frequently added to "one size fit all" skin and hair supplements cause more acne breakouts. The optimal acne treatment combines topical and oral treatments. For best results, one should use in addition to acne supplements, a good acne cleanser, moisturizer, and medical-grade acne anti-acne cream. The best topical anti-acne treatment would help unclog the sebaceous glands and reduces skin redness anti-inflammatory.

Check this link for the best anti-acne treatments for teen acne and adult acne. With MDacne's skin clearing vitamins, one can expect initial improvement around the week mark with significant results by 12 weeks. For best results, Dermatologists recommend using these supplements for a period of at least 6 months.

More info: The best vitamins and minerals for people with acne. Yang et al. Dermatol Ther. Kelly GS. Pantothenic Acid. Med Rev. Kobayashi D, Kusama M, et al. The effect of pantothenic acid deficiency on keratinocyte proliferation and the synthesis of keratinocyte growth factor and collagen in fibroblasts. J Pharmacol. To find the right supplements for your unique skin, take the free skin assessment by clicking here. What is Pantothenic Acid? Is there clinical research on vitamin B5 and Acne?

Is pantothenic acid safe to use? Are there any know interactions with pantothenic acid? Pantothenic acid B5 vs. Accutane Accutane derived from Vitamin A is definitely the most effective oral medication used for acne. How much pantothenic acid should one take? What is the best form of pantothenic acid?

Which type of pantothenic acid supplement should I take? Can I combine Vitamin B5 supplements with topical acne treatment? For a long, how should I take my acne supplements? Recomended Read. Read More. Custom acne treatment cream, cleanser and moisturizer Unlimited Dermatologist support Ongoing skin monitoring.

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Pantothenic Acid, B5 for Acne by Jeffrey Dach MD

    The excess sebum and the bacteria that feed on it, as well as dead skin cells and assorted debris, collect in the pores.

The excess sebum and the bacteria that feed on it, as well as dead skin cells and assorted debris, collect in the pores.

The resulting congestion can lead to inflammation, which culminates in a case of acne. Conventional treatments battle breakouts with topical cleansers, exfoliants, antimicrobials, antibiotics and, in serious cases of cystic acne, drugs like Accutane. Now new research suggests that certain vitamins, taken internally as well as applied topically, offer an effective alternative approach to treating acne—without the side effects.

This story will explore your options. Accutane is a vitamin A derivative cis-retinoic acid that is administered orally in pill form, normally for weeks. It was originally recommended for people with severe acne who may be unresponsive to other acne treatments. Accutane works by shrinking sebaceous glands, which reduces oil secretion and P. Most often these side effects are mild to moderate and reversible, but in some cases, they can be severe or long-term.

The most common side effect is chronic dryness which can lead to further skin issues such as microbial imbalance, infection, and even recurrent breakouts. Vitamin B5 aka pantethine or pantothenic acid is as effective as the drug Accutane in treating acne because it also works at the first stage of acne formation. But whereas Accutane shrinks sebaceous glands, vitamin B5 reduces oil production of the sebaceous glands by increasing coenzyme A, which increases the metabolic breakdown of oils—including sebum—by optimizing the normal activity of cell physiology.

The program originally suggested by Dr. Lit-Hung Leung relied on patients ingesting grams of pantothenic acid a day. Vitamin B5 optimizes the breakdown of fats released by the sebaceous gland, thus reducing congestion and heading acne formation off at the pass. The combination is formidable enough to help with most cases of acne, even severe or of long duration, but it is not an overnight solution. Patience is required. If you are pregnant, planning a pregnancy or nursing do NOT use retinol.

The results of another study suggest that vitamin B5 pantothenic acid may also be useful in treating acne. Although no significant side effects occurred, the long-term safety of such large amounts taken orally has not been studied. Mild cases cleared in a couple of months and more severe cases took up to six months to clear. It is unknown whether lower amounts would produce the same results.

In another study, high amounts of vitamin A were used to treat severe acne in teenagers. Although the acne was lessened, the benefit seemed to diminish once the oral vitamin A therapy was discontinued. Such high intake is potentially toxic and should only be done under the supervision of a physician. Women with premenstrual acne may find benefit with vitamin B6. One small trial found 50 mg per day of vitamin B6 pyridoxine alleviated flare-ups of acne before the onset of their menstrual cycles.

Using topical formulations may help with acne as well. Comparison of oral treatment with zinc sulfate and placebo in acne vulgaris. Br J Dermatol ;—4. Oral zinc sulphate therapy in acne vulgaris: a double-blind trial. Acta Derm Venereol ;— A double blind study on the effect of zinc and oxytetracycline in acne vulgaris. Br J Dermatol ;—6. Leung LH. Med Hypotheses ;—2. Oral vitamin A in acne vulgaris.

Preliminary report. Int J Dermatol ;— Snider B, Dietman DF. Pyridoxine therapy for premenstrual acne flare. Arch Dermatol ;—1[letter]. Topical nicotinamide compared with clindamycin gel in the treatment of inflammatory acne vulgaris. Int J Dermatol ;—7. Nazzaro-Porro M. Azelaic acid. J Am Acad Dermatol ;— Norris J. Azelaic acid really does work in acne—a double blind national and international study.

Br J Dermatol ;32 Suppl I don't think its crazy to try and rid acne cause i would do anything to get rid of it , but taking such high doses doesn't seem very smart. After reading about pantethine the active form of B-5 , i'm wondering why people aren't trying it instead of b5? From what ive read, you get a better effect with a lot less to no side effects.

Because you only have to take around mg or so of pantethine, there will be no adverse side effects. Has anyone tried pantethine that had no success with b5? I'm just curious as to why people are using this supplement that seems like a much healthier avenue than b5 I can't agree with you more, I am currently taking pantethine instead of B5 only at mg. I just don't see the sense in taking so many pills at such a high strength when I get better results using pantethine at a lower dosage.

I can't say enough about how this product has worked for me. Although it appears that after searching this board, hardly anybody uses it. I started taking B5 in january of and quit later in I always found that B5 for me wasn't as effective as taking pantethine, although I didn't have any side effects, like hair loss that some have.

When I started taking pantethine, I started at mg and included 2G of B5, but I gradually over the course of a year cut down to mg per day and stopped B5, and I also take 50mg of zinc and a multivitamin too, but I was also doing that when I taking B5. I tried it once for a week at mg, and my skin was way too dry, so I had to cut down.

I have used couple different brands and had success with all of them. If you want to try it, try and include a mg or mg pill and gradually diminish your B5 dosage over time. Play around with dosage and see what works best for you, that's what I did. This is so much better than trying to swallow 1G giant B5 pills. I first learned of B5 in late when it was hardly known to be so beneficial, so I tried it B5 , and I couldn't believe the effects that it gave me.

But after several months, I came across a post on healthboards. Then I had only minor breakouts from taking B5 regularly, so I bought some and took B5 and pantethine together for quite some time, and it definitely had more of a beneficial effect.

Like I said, my skin became much drier. Because now, or mg per day for me is equivalent to g of B5. I now only wish I had discovered B5 and pantethine earlier in my life like when I was in high school. I was also always concerned about the megadosing of the vitamin too. It used to become very oily between my eyes, and normally I always had a blemish there, but it is definitely becoming less and less I did not see this difference using B5 for 2.

Now that I am finished Breast feeding I started 5 grams again, but then I read about Pantethine and have been taking that for the last week. So far there has been no complications from switching from b-5 to pantethine mg.

My face looks great. No new break outs after the initial breakout beginning the first week of taking the b I can tell my skin is much dryer and my lips are a tad dryer, I've been needing to use carmex on them. My hands need lotion too. I think this is really promising!! I can't tell the difference, only less pills to take.

I was taking 10 pills and now I'm only taking 3 small soft gels Pantethine. I'm using the NOW brand of Pantethine. It cost No new breakouts!! I know it's working because I've got to use Carmex on my lips and have a little bit dryer hands.

I'm still not completely oil free on my face, but I can tell it's much less and my face is clear. I don't follow Dan's routine. But I do believe in his BP Gel. I don't eat very well, I have hormonal acne and I only wash my face when I take a shower, which is every two days because the ends of my hair tend to be dry! I only put it on at night before I go to bed. If you are taking only mg of pantithine as opposed to g, of panothenic acid your are not fooling your skin.

I don't know who made the false claims that pantithine is stronger then panothenic acid. Its exactly the same in my opinion from using it for the last 2 months. Don't waste your time with pantithine because it cost more and does exactly the same. It works the same as megadosing on B5. And it's safer, you don't have to take so many B5 pills. I heard that you can get calcium buildup in your kidney if you take B5 megadose for a long time.

It's dangerous. A person had to get a painful kidney stone removed because of the calcium buildup from megadosing on B5. Pantethine is safer and works the same. It is the active ingredient in Vitamin B5.

If you have -any questions, feel free to ask me and I'll respond in this thread. I have had moderate acne for 30 years Currently on minocycline, tazorac, 2. This minimized my acne to small lesions at any time. My oil slick of a face is almost at normal sebum levels already. My nose isn't shiny after all day at work. I'm excited, because if I can back off the dosage after 3 months, it could be a maintenance drug!!! No more oily skin and zits! I think I'll maintain the b5 and watch for posts from people who have switched over to the pantethine.

BTW: I am an inorganic chemist and medical researcher. This stuff is not without side effects diarrhea-common, hair loss-rare.

From what I've read, you need to take a multi-b vitamin while megadosing b5. Since it's water soluble not fat soluble the excess will be excreted from your body. Compared to accutane stores in the liver risks are minor.

Good luck!!!! Dear Coenzyme-A Technologies, I'm 21 years old and I spent last year down in South America experiencing a very stressful and different lifestyle. I've always been a very healthy person with a great complexion.

But I came back from South America a "different person", suffering from acne that covered my entire face. I also came back due to a horrible internal discomfort that I thought might have been from parasites. It was also shown to increase skin oil breakdown, which reduces overall oil and sebum production and reduces stress levels. Through coenzyme A CoA metabolism, pantothenic acid reduces the synthesis and secretion of oil and promotes sebum breakdown in the skin's oil glands.

Pantothenic acid B5 was also shown to improve epidermal barrier function, which in turn helps to reduce acne breakouts. Pantothenic acid is believed to support stress reduction, which may indirectly aid acne. A second, larger randomized controlled study has validated the results. Vitamin B-5 supplements are water-soluble. As with other water-soluble vitamins, the urinary tract system would flush any excess of pantothenic acid.

The NIH confirms that pantothenic acid is not known to interfere or interfere with any medicines. Accutane derived from Vitamin A is definitely the most effective oral medication used for acne. Having said that, Accutane is a very potent drug with quite a few side effects. Therefore, it requires a Dermatologist prescription and should be used only in severe acne vulgaris or severe cystic acne that did not respond to topical treatment or acne supplements.

There are currently no formal recommendations about what dosage of vitamin B5 you should take to treat acne. A few studies that looked into acne treatment with pantothenic acid suggested a mega-dose of Vitamin B5 of grams a day.

Others believe that a starting dose of mg per day would be more appropriate. If needed, this dose can be increased to mg per day 2 capsules. Many complain about the bulkiness and after-taste of the regular pantothenic acid tablets. Vegetable capsules are a much more convenient way to take pantothenic acid supplements. These capsules allow taking the full needed dose in one capsule a day. In addition, these capsules are much easier to swallow than regular tablets and don't leave an aftertaste.

If the capsules are too big for you, they can also be opened and sprinkled on food.

Our vision at Marie Veronique is to deliver the safest and most effective skincare available, by translating nature's genius into innovative formulations. Marie-Veronique Nadeau is a chemist who founded Marie Veronique in An inventor at heart who suffered from teenage acne, she was moved to create her own products when she could find nothing on the market that was clean and effective to address her rosacea.

From there, she went on to develop a line for acne and was one of the first to formulate a non-nano zinc oxide sunscreen. She continues to lead the way towards safe yet effective skincare, determined to move an industry ensconced in hype into the realm of science. She is a trained esthetician, holds degrees in Math and Science, and is a former high school chemistry teacher.

She collaborates with her daughter, Jay Nadeau, physicist and bio-medical engineer, to carefully choose each ingredient in her products to solve real skin issues and address the causes of aging at the source. Achieving optimal skin health and healing real skin issues drive us to produce safe products that truly work. Acne is usually a result of elevated testosterone levels increasing sebum production.

The excess sebum and the bacteria that feed on it, as well as dead skin cells and assorted debris, collect in the pores. The resulting congestion can lead to inflammation, which culminates in a case of acne.

Conventional treatments battle breakouts with topical cleansers, exfoliants, antimicrobials, antibiotics and, in serious cases of cystic acne, drugs like Accutane. Now new research suggests that certain vitamins, taken internally as well as applied topically, offer an effective alternative approach to treating acne—without the side effects.

This story will explore your options. Accutane is a vitamin A derivative cis-retinoic acid that is administered orally in pill form, normally for weeks. It was originally recommended for people with severe acne who may be unresponsive to other acne treatments. Accutane works by shrinking sebaceous glands, which reduces oil secretion and P. Most often these side effects are mild to moderate and reversible, but in some cases, they can be severe or long-term. The most common side effect is chronic dryness which can lead to further skin issues such as microbial imbalance, infection, and even recurrent breakouts.

Vitamin B5 aka pantethine or pantothenic acid is as effective as the drug Accutane in treating acne because it also works at the first stage of acne formation. But whereas Accutane shrinks sebaceous glands, vitamin B5 reduces oil production of the sebaceous glands by increasing coenzyme A, which increases the metabolic breakdown of oils—including sebum—by optimizing the normal activity of cell physiology. The program originally suggested by Dr.

Lit-Hung Leung relied on patients ingesting grams of pantothenic acid a day. Vitamin B5 optimizes the breakdown of fats released by the sebaceous gland, thus reducing congestion and heading acne formation off at the pass. The combination is formidable enough to help with most cases of acne, even severe or of long duration, but it is not an overnight solution.

Patience is required. If you are pregnant, planning a pregnancy or nursing do NOT use retinol. Have a question or need more information about how this applies to your specific skin concerns? You can email us for personalized advice from our estheticians, or browse our Product Recommendations.

Miscellaneous Books E-Gift Cards. Just Back From Accutane Accutane is a vitamin A derivative cis-retinoic acid that is administered orally in pill form, normally for weeks. Vitamin B5 and L-carnitine Vitamin B5 aka pantethine or pantothenic acid is as effective as the drug Accutane in treating acne because it also works at the first stage of acne formation. The mighty B alternative Vitamin B5 optimizes the breakdown of fats released by the sebaceous gland, thus reducing congestion and heading acne formation off at the pass.

Treatment: Moderate to severe acne Take orally: Pantothenic acid mg and mg l-carnitine 3x a day Niacinamide mg 1x a day Apply topically: Serums containing vitamin B3 and B5 1x a day, at night.

Treatment Serum Follow with an oil blend composed of antioxidants and omega-3 and omega-6 EFAs morning and night. Treatment Oil It may seem counterintuitive to apply oils when the problem is oil over-production, but drying out the skin too much may impede sebum flow to the surface, and that means more rather than less congestion. Topically applied oils penetrate to dissolve congestion matter deep in the follicle where acne problems begin.

In addition, skin that is too dry may start a vicious cycle of increased irritation—attracting more bacteria leading to more inflammation.

Use oils that keep the skin lubricated and reduce inflammation, i. Tea tree oil will help keep P. Treatment Oil Treatment: Mild acne Take orally: Pantothenic acid mg and mg l-carnitine 1x a day Niacinamide mg 1x a day Apply topically: Treatment Serum can be a bit drying, so this routine works well for acne that is mild to begin with or for use as acne clears up. Treatment Serum may be used as a spot treatment.

Caution If you are pregnant, planning a pregnancy or nursing do NOT use retinol. Disclaimer It is important to remember that when healing the skin, there is never just one thing that will resolve all your issues. Rather there will be a number of factors requiring a variety of responses. For example, Vitamin B5 may help your body regulate sebum overproduction. However, we have found that most of our acne clients do not suffer from excess oil production, and supplementation will only do so much to improve the acne.

If you are an adult with breakouts mostly in one area of the face or inflammatory symptoms such as dermatitis or rosacea, we suggest avoiding the guessing game of which supplement will fix your concerns and instead changing your diet and lifestyle.

Make sure you are eating a well balanced, low inflammatory no dairy, gluten, caffeine, alcohol, soy, processed foods, limited sugars diet with a lot of variety lots of different types of green, cooked, veggies each week. A few months of simply focusing on those areas can do wonders for the skin, especially when coupled with a strong topical plan.

If you really want to incorporate supplements, remember that there is no magic pill. Supplements and herbal remedies should be considered as medicine and taken seriously.

Oftentimes taking many at once, without guidance or strategy, can cause more harm than good.

localhost › science-research. Vitamin B5 (aka pantethine or pantothenic acid) is as effective as the drug Accutane in treating acne because it also works at the first stage of acne. Seen crazy good results from using b5 for acne, and I know as long as something doesn't contain vitamin A you can use it with accutane but. Accutane or vitamin b5? As I have found vitamin B5(It isn't even called b5 it was called patothenic acid) in centrium multivitamin only that the fact remains. localhost › Acne_B5. No side effects of the therapy. Pantothenic Acid in the present invention therefore reduces sebum production. In cases with moderate severity, the condition is normally in complete control in about eight weeks, with most of the lesions gone and new lesions only to erupt occasionally. Through coenzyme A CoA metabolism, pantothenic acid reduces the synthesis and secretion of oil and promotes sebum breakdown in the skin's oil glands. Like I said, my skin became much drier. Left Image: Note Sebum pink in this diagram of hair follicle with sebaceous glands and sebum pink. Start Free Trial.

Natural Solutions with Bio Identical Hormones. Virtually everyone remembers the frustrating experience of acne with small inflamed dots called pimples or blackheads. While some have been spared the ordeal of acne, many others have suffered through unsuccessful treatments over years in spite of the best efforts of top dermatologists.

Although some of the treatments such as Accutane may be successful, they come at the price of serious adverse side effects such as depression. Acne is a Major Problem For the young woman concerned about self-image, skin complexion is obviously very important.

Even a small amount of acne with one or two strategically placed pimples can be intolerable. For the unfortunate few, acne can be progressive leading to scarring and disfigurement, with the pitting and nodularity of Acne Vulgaris. What Causes Acne? Acne is caused by excess oil in the skin also known as sebum.

This oil comes from sebum secretion by the sebaceous glands at the root of the hair follicles. This oily build up occludes the pores in the skin causing blockage and infection.

The well known practice of "popping" the pimple forces the occluding plug to pop out of the pore, thereby allowing drainage of the sebaceous glands at the root of the hair follicle and providing temporary relief. Left Image: Note Sebum pink in this diagram of hair follicle with sebaceous glands and sebum pink. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons Common Causes of Acne Acne is a common adverse side effect of synthetic birth control pills which mimic testosterone.

Elevated testosterone levels in males and females are associated with increased oil production in the skin resulting in acne. A common genetic mutation called atypical CAH congenital adrenal hyperplasia causes increased testosterone in females resulting in acne. PCOS polycystic ovary syndrome syndrome is associated with increased testosterone production and acne is common. Young males may suffer from acne merely because of abundant and normal testosterone production.

Below, we will make the case for a vitamin B5 deficiency as a cause for acne. What are the Acne Treatments? Traditionally, acne is treated by the dermatologist with various topical cleansers, antibiotics and drugs such as Accutane. Accutane's most commonly reported adverse side effect is depression which can lead to suicide.

Vitamin B5 Treatment for Acne In this article we will present to you information about Vitamin B5 pantothenic acid as a treatment for acne. We will explain the role of Vitamin B5 in the metabolism of fats and oils, and how increasing the metabolism of oils will reduce oil accumulation in the skin, and thereby reduce or eliminate acne. Both Accutane and Vitamin B5 work by different mechanisms. Accutane works by shrinking the sebaceous glands at the root of the hair follicles.

However, Vitamin B5 works by reducing the oil production of the sebaceous glands. This is done by increasing Coenzyme A Co-A which increases the metabolic breakdown of oils by normal activity of cell physiology. In this article, Dr Leung explains that acne can be reduced or eliminated with the use of Vitamin B5, also called pantothenic acid. How does it work? Pantothenic acid is a major component of Co Enzyme A see diagram above.

CoA is used at the cellular level for fatty acid oxidation and in many other biochemical reactions in the cell. Taking additional B5 increases the amount of Coenzyme A available for use in the cell. The more Co-Enzyme A, the more fatty acids can be metabolized, which means they are oxidized or burned up as energy production. ADP is widely available throughout cellular biochemistry as the currency of energy in the cell. What is Pantethine? Pantethine is made of two Vitamin B5 molecules linked together with two sulfurs S in the center see below diagram.

If there is a deficiency of Acetyl CoA in the body, oxidation of fatty acids will slow down, and the skin becomes oily resulting in acne. Increasing the amount of Acetyl CoA available speeds up the metabolism of fatty acids which are then used for energy production.

Taking the vitamin B5, pantothenic acid is the easiest way to increase acetyl Co A and increase rate of fatty acid metabolism. Leung gave his acne patients rather large doses of grams of Pantothenic Acid a day with considerable improvement in their acne.

He reported success with this regimen. Leung's article, I then did a Google search for acne and B5, and found a large amount of information on message boards posted by people suffering from acne trying various treatments including pantothenic acid. I found that many, but not all, of these acne sufferers had success with vitamin B5 Pantethine which did work for many of them.

However, a common complaint was that the large amount of pantethine 10 grams was hard to take, causing gastrointestinal gas and bloating etc. It would be advantageous to reduce the B5 dosage to a more reasonable level. Considering the biochemical pathways involved, this would be possible with the addition of L-carnitine , which transports fatty acids across the mitochondrial membrane where they can be oxidized.

Above diagram courtesy of wikipedia showing L-Carnitine transporting fatty acids into the mitochondria where they can be oxidized.

Reducing or Eliminating Acne with Pantethine and L Carnitine Using the modified Leung B5 protocol with Pantethine mg with mg of L Carnitine three times a day, we have noted excellent success rates in reducing or eliminating acne. An added advantage is a good cosmetic result with smaller pore size and smoother skin. The vitamins are safe with no adverse side effects noted. Buy Pantethine B5 on Amazon Buy Carnitine on Amazon A College Student with Acne A college student under my care was making preparations for her upcoming wedding when she noticed some new acne lesions on her face.

We immediately began the Pantethine and L-Carnitine. Her acne cleared up immediately, and she was quite pleased. By now, we have a number of satisfied patients who have used this program to clear up acne. I myself have used the program and can report that it works quite well. Also Used for Weight Loss Since this anti-acne regimen is essentially a fat burning protocol, it is also useful for weight loss as noted in this article.

Cholesterol is then used to make all steroidal hormones. Many of the steroidal hormones are made by the adrenal gland, so it is very logical that B5 deficiency can result in a syndromes called adrenal failure, or the inability to synthesis steroidal hormones such as Cortisol.

See my previous article on Adrenal Fatigue for more information about this syndrome. A blood test for anti-nuclear antibodies is diagnostic.

However, a number of features of Lupus suggest a link with steroid hormone synthesis. For example, there is a well know tendency for lupus to flare up under certain conditions in which there is a greater demand for steroidal hormone biosynthesis, such as puberty, and pregnancy.

Females are more affected than males by a ratio of ten to one. Lupus preferentially affects females because they have greater demands for hormone production than do males. These lupus flares seem to correlate with demand for higher levels of hormones.

Production of higher hormone levels could deplete the stores of precursor molecules for production of these hormones. The first such precursor molecule is acetyl CoA, so a deficiency in acetyl CoA could be the culprit. Left Image : Young woman with malar rash butterfly rash suggesting lupus. Low Hormone Levels in Lupus Another feature of female lupus patients is that when hormone levels are measured, they tend to run low.

Irregular menstrual cycles and absent menses is common among lupus patients. Giving hormones to raise levels seems to help. After menopause when hormone production declines dramatically, there is a reduction in Lupus flares and the disease becomes quiescent. Low Adrenal Cortisol in Lupus Cortisol production is also decreased in lupus patients, explaining why they do better when treated with steroids. Drug Induced Lupus Another interesting feature of Lupus is that the disease can be caused by 70 various drugs.

The three most common are procainamide, hydralazine and isoniazid. These drugs have nothing in common except they are metabolized by the acetylation pathway, a connection to Acetyl CoA. Could Lupus be Caused by a Combined Deficiency? The first manifestations of Deficiency States are in the skin, joint and connective tissue with various lesions.

The vital organs are only involved much later on. For example, deficiency states such as beri beri and scurvy initially spare the vital organs, and involve the skin and musculoskeletal system. Lupus follows this pattern as well. In his article , Dr. There were a number of reports on this in the 's. However, early studies seemed to discredit the whole idea of B5 deficiency or acetyl CoA deficiency or a genetic acetylation defect in Lupus. Nonetheless, Leung reported improvement in his lupus patient who supplemented with pantothenic acid.

Late stages of Lupus are characterized by specific anti nuclear antibodies ANA test which obviously will not be affected by giving pantothenic acid.

However, much can be done to improve quality of life of the lupus patient. Perhaps a combined approach supplementing with bioidentical hormones such as estradiol, progesterone, DHEA, Cortef, testosterone as well as vitamin mineral supplementation with pantethine, and others would be the most logical way to help lupus patients get back their health.

Facial Rash of Lupus, Pregnancy and Addison's Another interesting connection is the appearance of a skin rash on the face in lupus flares with pregnancy. There can be increased facial skin pigmentation in pregnancy itself without lupus called Melasma , also known as chloasma or the mask of pregnancy. Also, Addisons Disease , adrenal failure, or failure to produce sufficient adrenal hormones results in hyper-pigmentation changes in the face and elsewhere. Characteristic sites are skin creases in the hands, and the inside of the cheek buccal mucosa , also old scars may darken.

ACTH is secreted by the pituitary to stimulate more adrenal hormone synthesis. The melanocytes cause the pigmentation. She had been to many rheumatologists and specialists over the years with a confirmed diagnosis of lupus. She appeared under weight and chronically ill, and had absent menses for the last 7 years.

Her main complaint was severe chronic fatigue and inability to gain weight. In the past she had been on many of the usual drug treatments for lupus with many adverse effects and no real improvement in quality of life.
